INDQUAD-ZOOMV2 Quadrino Zoom V2 Multi-Rotor Controller Board
Quadrino Zoom V2 Multi-Rotor Controller Board
- 100% fully Arduino compatible. (based on Arduino Nano v3)
- Uses stock MultiWii source code (Currently version 1.9) requiring only a few #define parameters to be set based on your setup.
- Contains ITG3200 Gyro.
- BMA180 Accelerometer.
- MS5611 High Resolution Barometer.
- HMC5883 Magnetometer.
- 400KHz I2C bus supported.
- Servo ports for camera mounts (SRV1 & SRV2). For camera stabilization.
- Works in Quad+, QuadX and also Tri or Hex/Y6 copters.
- Mini-USB connector on board - direct connection!
- Protection diode prevents USB from powering ESCs/motors, but powers receiver.
- Forget the datasheet at home, all headers, signals, and diagrams are labeled on the PCB!
- 62mil PCB is strong and sturdy to survive hard crashes or rough landings.
- 8 mounting holes support most standard mounts.
- Lower control-loop cycle time than popular Wii/nunchuk units translates to more stable flight. (avg. 2500 versus 4500.)
- Wiring can be pulled up through the center of the PCB for less wire mess.