GPMA2919 Great Planes Decal Set Mini Slinger ARF
Great Planes Decal Set Mini Slinger ARF
This is the Decal Set for the Mini Slinger ARF, GPMA1178.
Cut and peel decals
"Mini Slinger"...
GPMA4243 Great Planes Skid Set Phazer EDF ARF
Great Planes Skid Set Phazer EDF ARF
This is the Skid Set for the Phazer Ducted Fan Jet from Great Planes, GPMA1802.
GPMA2720 Great Planes Wing Set Rifle EP ARF
Great Planes Wing Set Rifle EP ARF
This is the Wing Set for the ElectriFly Rifle EP, GPMA1805.
Fiberglass construction
GPMA3006 Great Planes Interplane Strut Set S.E.5a EP ARF
Great Planes Interplane Strut Set S.E.5a EP ARF
These are the Interplane Strut Set for the Great Planes S.E.5a WWI EP ARF...
GPMA2290 Great Planes Folding Propeller Blades Set Kunai EP ARF
These are the Propeller Blades for the Kunai 1.4M Glider by Great Planes
Plastic construction, black in...